Happy People
Sustainable World

As Yeşilova Holding, our goal is “Happy People Sustainable World” in every field that we operate. We follow this motto, our values and principles as we move forward towards this goal. To reach our purpose, we adopt sustainability in all 3 aspects: Environmental, Social and Economic as our core strategies and integrate to the way we do business in all our companies and processes.

A Holistic Approach to Sustainability


Strategic planning
Risk management
Code of Ethics and Conduct
Supply chain code of conduct
Compliance with customer expectations


Working conditions and human rights
Diversity and equal opportunity
Occupational health and safety
Stakeholder satisfaction
Employee loyalty
Information security
Product quality and safety
Social responsibility


Efficient use of natural resources
Carbon emission and climate change effects
Energy management
Waste management
Water and wastewater management


R&D, Innovation, Job creation
Supply chain management
Raw material supply and efficiency
Customer satisfaction